Biological animal husbandry additives
WEFASAN® 2001: Key Arguments & Data
Ammonia blocker
A healthy environment with low levels of ammonia and other toxic gases guarantees ideal conditions for both people and animals. WEFASAN® additives help to minimise these negative factors. In addition, labour and energy expenditure, as well as detrimental environmental impact, are all reduced.
Ammonia is toxic gas by the use of WEFASAN® 2001 the following positive effects can be achieved:
Ammonia blocker
Reg.No.: AT 6045
Technical Data:
clear transparent liquid
Main components
organic compound with multifunctional groups ( plant extracts )
Dilutability in water
Active substance
2 months. Keep containers closed. Store in a dry place. Do not expose to direct sunlight.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Clean hands after working with the product. Avoid oral ingestion. Keep away from children. The officially authorised Research and Test laboratory ISEGA Aschaffenburg, Germany considers WEFASAN® 2001 as harmless.
WEFASAN® 2001 is diluted with water approximately 1:4 before application. The solution is sprayed on the surface of ammonia containing material. Mixing of the sprayed material is advised, as it is necessary that as much of the material is in contact with WEFASAN® 2001.
WEFASAN® 2001 reacts spontaneously and converts ammonia to an odourless compound. This blocking is stable and irreversible, but at the same time the nitrogen remains available for the plants.
1 kg of WEFASAN® 2001 is able to block approximately 1 litre of a 20 % ammonia solution.
Effects of WEFASAN® 2001:
Negative effect of Ammonia and how WEFASAN 2001 can help
Negative effect of ammonia:
Ammonia is a toxic gas for animals ( inside and outside of the body ) the animal needs energy to detoxify the body.
An increase by 10% of ammonia in the air in chicken houses will depress body weight by approx. 1%. A slight odour of ammonia reduces body weight by 12%. A noticeable eye and nose irritating ammonia level reduces body weight by up to 25%.
For layers there is a loss of 1,5 eggs/year/hen for every 10 ppm increase in ammonia. With broilers there is a loss of 15 gr. of live weight gain/bird for every 10 ppm increase in ammonia.
Energy is used in converting nitrogen to urea in the liver for excretion and protein is lost in the process. This is affecting production performance.
WEFASAN® 2001 contains plant extracts that have the ability to bind ammonia
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